

Stone Co. Climbing

Need to make a change?

Canceling a membership

An individual that would like to terminate their membership can fill out and submit the appropriate information required by the form at the bottom of this page.

The form must be submitted 24 hours before the next billing cycle.

If you choose to reactivate a terminated membership, you will need to pay the one-time $30 initiation fee in addition to any prorated dues to reactivate your account.

Memberships will not automatically terminate if you stop paying or stop utilizing your membership. The form below must be filled out to fully terminate your membership.

Freezing your membership

Members have the option to freeze their membership without the need to re-register!

If you need to freeze your membership for any reason, you can submit the form below. The form must be submitted 24 hours before the next billing cycle.

Freezing your membership incurs an $8 charge. 

Updated payment information

Lost your card? Opened a new bank account? Just want to pay a different way? Members can fill out the form below and select “Update payment information on account” to update their card information without having to come into the gym.

Questions about billing?

Contact with any questions or concerns related to billing.