

Meet the team!

John Pritchard


East Texas Baptist University | Texas A&M University
It’s very rewarding seeing new strong community forming and Stone Co. taking on a life of its own. I also love to see the passion and skills of the team being put to use and producing such an awesome place and welcoming environment.

Jimmy Fackler

Manager of Operations

Keeping Stone Co. operating at a high level on a daily basis – this is the huge undertaking that I’m all about! I really enjoy seeing people reach new levels of fitness and health here and making that as enjoyable as possible for them is a great reward.

Michael Vu

Manager of Programs & Routesetting

Texas A&M University

The element that I love the most about my role at Stone Co. is the fulfillment I receive from being able to teach people different movements and ideas within climbing through the creative process of routesetting.

Drew DeCuir

Sales & Marketing Manager

I’ve been passionate about sports and physical fitness from my earliest days and love being able to connect people with the sport of climbing! The community that exists within Stone Co. is an incredible group of people. I’m excited to help build lasting partnerships and telling the story of our amazing climbing community. 

Taylor Mitchell

Community Coordinator

Texas A&M University

My favorite part of my job is getting to interact with the climbing community. The climbing community is so naturally supportive of one another, and I love seeing new climbers come in and get hooked on that positivity. I also enjoy planning events and promos that connect Stone Co to the community of College Station.